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Mothering Sunday / Mother's Day

Here we are, slowly emerging from the long cold winter and starting to think about Spring! With Spring comes new life, longer days, daffodils and green shoots, but it also brings some of the annual celebrations and holidays which tend to mark this transition - such as Mother’s Day and Easter.

In 2023, Mother’s Day, or Mothering Sunday as it is sometimes known, will fall on Sunday 19 March and is usually a day when mothers and mother figures are acknowledged for the important role they play in families and in wider civilisation.

However, this celebration wasn’t always a day of flowers, chocolates, cards, jewellery gifts and breakfast in bed!

According to Wikipedia:

Mothering Sunday is a day honouring mother churches,[1] the church where one is baptised and becomes "a child of the church", celebrated since the Middle Ages[2] in the United Kingdom, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries on the fourth Sunday in Lent. On Mothering Sunday, Christians have historically visited their mother church—the church in which they received the sacrament of baptism.[1][3]

Obviously we now live in a much more commercialised, diverse and secular world, with a wide variety of beliefs and family structures. But is it not still a lovely thing to take that one day a year to reflect on and say ‘thank you’ to the ‘Mother’ figure in your life?




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